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Zoom Rooms - it's a game-changer in video conferencing

Posted by Ryan Pinke on 4/20/2017

Zoom Rooms - it's a game-changer in video conferencing

One of the things we love about video conferencing is it changes all the time. New products, improved products, and better ways to get things done in your business. is one of our favorite companies. We've been involved with them since the beginning and have had the chance to become involved in new products, beta releases, and product roll-outs. They are a great partner and they are leading the way with great innovations for video conferencing. The best part about Zoom? Their products just work.

We recently added our 500th Zoom customer, and we believe it's only the beginning. 

One of the innovations with Zoom is Zoom Rooms - a way to upgrade (or create) any video conferencing meeting room to the latest cloud-based video conferencing software. They have made it simple to control the video and audio within a conference room, directly from one single console (an Applie iPad by the way).

We created the following presentation to help customers understand Zoom Rooms and the benefits they can get when they make the move from their old video conferencing meeting rooms to (what we believe) is the new standard for workplace meeting and conference rooms.

Zoom Rooms a Game Changer in Video Conferencing from

If you have any question, or would like a demo of Zoom Rooms
email uscall us or click on the 
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